I'm so sorry I haven't updated this blog for a while it's been due to factors beyond my control despite several attempts to rectify it but hopefully this will change soon because I'm seriously working on it. So how are you all doing? I pray you are making progress in your endeavors.I have decided to restructure this blog in a bid to make it more exciting. Here's the plan...every month I'll write various articles on a particular topic instead of bombarding you with different issues in a month. I know this is love month because of valentine but I'll be writing on depression; the signs, symptoms and how to overcome it. I will also share my own story on how I overcame it.
Next month I'll be talking about the big question,'WHAT CAUSES MENTAL ILLNESS?',and what to do if your loved one suffers from mental illness.
You will have to stay tuned to find out what happens in subsequent months. By the way it wont be that boring it would also have the humorous pix and articles you like and of course those inspiring quotes. So tighten your seat belts and enjoy the ride. Cheers.
ok PDoc, we are waiting.